UPDATED PARENT ROSTER SUNDAY AS OF THE 13.2.20 Regional Track and Field

13 Feb 2020 by Sammy King

Hey Team Thunder
Thank you to all do the extra support given for the parents roster we still have a few blanks that need feeling if you are able to help out in any of the remainding blanks please let me know so i can fulfil our positions before saturday please give us a hand where you can. As a team manager my number one priority is making sure the kids make it to their call room and events. When we are getting called out over the speaker whittlesea city can you please send your parent helper to a certain duty I’m then having to take my focus off the athletes and chase up parents we had an athlete miss there event last year and i dont want this happening again please read the roster carefully as you may be down more then once. Thank you for your support
Sammy,Lisa and Mel

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